#throwback : My Wedding Day
Illustrated by my dearest friend : Levina Isada
Waktu aku nulis blog ini, aku juga pengen share tentang salah satu hari paling bahagia dalam hidupku. Kali ini, secara singkat aja ( i will talk about it later on the blog about our love story ), aku tuh pacaran sama suamiku hampir 7 tahun, naksir-naksiran total sekitar 12 tahunan sebelum akhirnya kita menikah.
Such a long journey ya.. hahaha. Super long and complicated yes, but i believe nothing great comes that easy. Selama kita pacaran juga, kita nabung untuk persiapan pernikahan. Suamiku memang bener-bener cowok yang one of a kind, dari awal nembak, dia langsung nanya mau nggak kamu jadi istri saya? karena saya maunya pacaran sekali seumur hidup. Nah, aku yang emang udah klepek2 sama dia daridulu langsung mikir, "Ya hellawwwww gimana gue nggak mau? ga usah pake nanya kaleeeeee" hahaahaha
Akhirnya kita menikah tanggal 06 September 2015. Persiapan pernikahan kita mulai dari awal tahun 2015, walaupun nabungnya udah dari tahun 2009.. HAHAHA
i tell you, married itu nggak murah ya, SAMA SEKALI. Apalagi buat kalian yang bayar semuanya sendiri (yes, we paid all of them by ourselves. yay!). Kita awalnya ngga pengen nikah gede-gede, cuma karena keluarga, akhirnya kita putusin jadi deh resepsi, walaupun itu menguras semua tabungan kita (plis jangan dicontoh ya. karena yang paling penting adalah kehidupan setelahnya, bukan acara weddingnya!)
If i could turn back the time, maybe pemberkatan aja udah cukup. Karena sumpah, MAHAL BANGEETT :'''''''''''(
You're planning your wedding as you seen on pinterest, but the reality you planning the wedding that is match to your budget. That's reality! LOL, unless you're extremely wealthy.
But, we're glad we've made it through. And what's makes me happiest is i married the right man. I married the best man to be my partner in life, in like literally everything. What's matters more is your marriage, not your wedding. A happy marriage doesn't come easy. I am telling you, but with the right person, every milestones and obstacles, happy & sad tears, All will be totally worth it.
So, here's the glimpse of my wedding day. Hope you enjoy it.
Venue : Srijaya - Victoria Ballroom
Bridal : House of Lea
Suit : Bie Hin Tailor
Photo : Voltaire Photography
MC : Bastian
Band : De'Berry Project
Lighting : Lasika
Decoration : Palmal Decoration
EO : Fia Event Organizer
Invitation & Souvenir : The Art Recipe
Also, I wanna Thankyou for all vendors & people who helped us through the journey.
Really appreciate it!
And thankyou guys for minding some time to read this,
God bless you! Thanks!!